
Frankencircus, a bizarre Windows Phone endless runner game


Frankencircus is a relatively new Windows Phone endless runner game that takes on the gaming genre in a slightly baroque and unique manner. The back-story for the game is that an explosion rocks the local zoo and animal parts are at a marketplace low. This opens the door for a local surgeon to fulfill his childhood dream of running a circus. The result is a scrap of a freak show with different animals (and clowns) parts being combined for big tent shows.

Available for low-memory Windows Phones, Frankencircus has decent graphics, challenging game play, and thirty levels of play. Frankencircus has potential of beingness a prissy time waster of a Windows Telephone game only is held back slightly by an odd carte du jour layout and confusing game play.

Frankencircus Opening Playbill

When you outset launch Frankencircus, you are greeted with a Circus flyer or playbill that outlines the game's back-story. Tap this graphic and another playbill that outlines how to play Frankencircus will replace the opening playbill. 1 more tap and you lot finally reach the main bill of fare for the game.

Frankencircus Help

The primary card will have sound/music controls in the upper left corner of the screen and your brute creation station taking upwards the right half of the screen. If you need to refresh your retentivity on how to play the game, a help push is at the bottom of the primary menu. You also have a Shop button where you tin can pick up extra gaming coins through in-app purchase.

Frankencircus Menu

Yous have an assortment of front and back halves of animals to utilise in building your animate being. Y'all begin with a Zebra dorsum end and a Rhinoceros front stop. Tap on these halves and they will be highlighted on the fauna creator. Tap the ruby lever on the right side of the creator and your brute is created.

Non only does Frankencircus offers unique endless runner characters, how they run is a scrap unique for the gaming genre. One time created, your animal is not tasked with running downward an countless path but instead is sent to a conveyor chugalug where they have to avert a series of obstacles.

Frankencircus Game

The game screen has your creature's health and coin count in the upper correct corner with your movement controls in the bottom corners of the screen. A jump button is in the left and a dash push button is in the right corners. As obstacles approach your creature on the conveyor belt, y'all volition need to jump over them or bash through them. Coins will announced randomly that tin can be nerveless and used to buy additional animal parts.

You avert obstacles and collected coins in Acts that last a few seconds. In betwixt Acts you lot can spend your coins to buy new animal parts that can exist used when your current creature is destroyed, essentially extending your game play.


Game play is a piddling confusing. The conveyor belt runs at a slight angle, which makes information technology a petty hard to time your jumps. Also, according to the Help Screen, "Walls and Stools can exist destroyed or avoided". Yet, at that place were times I could bosom through these walls without losing whatsoever health and times when the slightest contact with a wall sucked the health out of my creature. It felt as though there was a lack of consistency in applying the game rules.

When your beast meet its fate on the conveyor belt, you will be given the opportunity to re-create your animal with whatsoever creature parts purchased in between Acts. Any beast parts lost in the game (except the zebra back and rhino caput) will have to be re-purchased. Any parts not used to keep game play will be bachelor at the start of a new game. There is no scoring with Frankencircus.

Overall Impression

Frankencircus isn't a terrible Windows Phone game but needs a piffling fine-tuning and clarification on game play. Mainly deciding if your creature can bash through the walls without injury or should leap over them to avert harm. I also wouldn't mind seeing the various body parts you purchase available throughout the game when purchased and the game'due south graphics enlarged. Graphics are squeamish but because everything is drawn up so tiny, yous lose a lot of the particular these unique creatures possess. Maybe cut out the creature creator automobile from the game screen to give the conveyor belt room to abound.

Again, overall Frankencircus is a Windows Telephone game with potential but as is, the game is a bit of a head scratcher. I liked the concept but the execution needs a fiddling work. Early Frankencircus has a 5 Star rating, but with only one review, in the Windows Phone Store. As is, nosotros would put the game in the three-3.5 Star range and with that fine-tuning, Frankencircus could exist a solid 4-4.v Star type game.

  • Download Frankencircus for Windows Phone (Gratis)

QR: Frankencircus


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