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You can finally put those Lego skills from your childhood to piece of work designing medical tests, thanks to a new project from MIT's Little Devices Lab. Researchers there have developed a set of modular blocks that you tin can assemble to run various assays with liquid samples. They tin can measure blood glucose levels or observe viral infection, and that's but the kickoff. Simply snap them into a frame, add your sample, and wait for the results.

The MIT team designed "Ampli blocks" to accost the need for cheap modular testing systems. While it might be possible for a lab to test for a particular viral infection, non all facilities have the necessary equipment to do information technology. Developing portable diagnostic devices can make testing more than accessible, but at that place'southward lilliputian interest in mass-producing specialized hardware that may merely be used to test small numbers of people. Ampli blocks have the potential to support a large number of customizable tests without added manufacturing expense.

So far, the team has designed about xl dissimilar color-coded modular blocks. Each one consists of a reusable base of metal or plastic nigh half an inch across along with a glass embrace. A sheet of paper or fiberglass is sandwiched nether the glass, and this is where all the chemistry happens. Some of the blocks have spots where doctors tin can add their samples, which then lengthened through the newspaper tabs.

The idea is that you'll link multiple blocks together, allowing your sample to pass through numerous paper testing environments. The blocks may have multiple channels with different reagents that mix with the sample, sending the fluid off to more blocks. Many of the blocks include antibodies fastened to nanoparticles that detect specific molecules. When a molecule is present in a sample, most blocks respond with a colored reaction. Doctors can even run the same sample over a block again to raise the colorful response.

Every bit a proof of concept, researchers combined blocks to check for three unlike molecules in a sample, which serves as a exam for isonicotinic acid. That's an indicator of whether or not tuberculosis patients are taking their medication. The team is currently developing blocks that can test for human papilloma virus, malaria, Lyme disease, and more. MIT wants to become Ampli blocks into the hands of medical professionals across the globe, but they've already been sent to labs in Republic of chile and Nicaragua. The next step is to ready upwardly a spin-off company that can industry the blocks en masse.